The Daily Commute

posted on 2005-03-06 at 16:04:05 by Joel Ross

Carl Franklin, the host of DotNetRocks and Mondays is going to be starting a new show called the Daily Commute. I'll listen. It took me a long time to get into Monday's, but now that I have, I think it's hilarious. There's something about crude humor that I like.

The Daily Commute will be the Slashdot of the podcast world - he even says News for nerds in his description! He says it's something new, but not new. It's a podcast (is that really old news now?), but it's new because it's externally focused - not a personal lovefest.

He says it won't be available for a week or two. That gives me time to catch up on my other podcasts. And 15-20 minutes? That'll work. I can listen to that on the way in, and still have 10-15 minutes for Bob and Tom!

He's looking for a lot of listeners, so he can make these three shows a full time gig. He's also asking for our help to get the word out!

Here you go, Carl. Here's my part! Good luck. I hope it works out. I know I'm looking forward to it!

Categories: Podcasting