Spaces or Tabs?

posted on 2005-03-28 at 22:59:11 by Joel Ross

Scott Bellware doesnt' get why coding standards specify the use of spaces over tabs. Either do I. And either do most of his commenters. Of course, that could scare off the "spacers" but who knows.

I could understand the argument if we had a bunch of people using Notepad to do editing. But everyone I'm working with uses Visual Studio, and most never change the settings. So no one would ever notice if you're using tabs or spaces. Unless you try to arrow over to get over a region of indented spaces. Then you notice the difference. If you use tabs, it's one arrow. If you use spaces, it's 4 arrows.

One commenter makes me laugh though. Here's a quote: "We have the same standard here (use spaces, no tabs). I ignore it." Even if I don't agree with the standard, if the project dictates it, I'll do it. Standards don't do any good if you ignore them just because you don't agree. What if I didn't agree there should be line breaks in between statements of my C# program? How maintainable would that be?

Categories: Development