Side Project Spotlight: CodeKeep
posted on 10/30/07 at 09:37:11 pm by Joel Ross
James Avery has an interesting idea: interview people about their side projects and their motivations and goals for working on it. His first one is with Dave Donaldson about CodeKeep, a cool Visual Studio add-in that allows you to share code snippets. The interview is short, but gives you a good idea of what CodeKeep is and some upcoming news about it.
What's next for CodeKeep?
I’ve got some new functionality I want to release, but the biggest thing will be making the CodeKeep add-in an open source project. I haven’t worked out all the details for that yet, but it’ll be soon. My hope is that the community can take the add-in to a level it won’t otherwise go if left only in my hands.
He goes on to say that he hopes the community adds the idea of groups, something that I asked him about when I was helping him test it way back when.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing more of this series from James. It's interesting to see what others are doing with their spare time. I personally think it's a sign of a good developer that they are working on a side project of some sort.
Categories: Blogging, Software