More Site Updates

posted on 2004-10-25 at 23:29:16 by Joel Ross

I added a couple of new things to the site tonight that I thought are worth highlighting. First, I added my contact information to the left side: email, MSN id, AIM id, Yahoo id, ICQ id, and a Skype Me link. Why? In case someone wants to get a hold of me.

Scoble has his info on his blog. He's got his cell phone. I won't go that far - yet. Kunal has his MSN Messenger id listed, and I've contacted him before. He was very helpful! So I figured I would list mine. I'm online (and signed in to most of the services) about 8 - 12 hours a day, so I'm pretty easy to get a hold of.

If you have a question or comment for me, feel free to contact me. And if you just want to say hi, go for it!

UPDATE: I forgot. I added ratings to the posts, so you can rate them from the site (no RSS rating, yet). Thanks Newsgator!

Categories: General