Miss CodeMash? Check Out the Podcasts

posted on 01/16/08 at 12:42:45 am by Joel Ross

codemash2008logoI was unable to attend CodeMash v2.0.0.8, which was disappointing. I followed some of the action on Twitter and I've read some of the blog posts about it, but it's still not quite the same. I've been looking for more info, and one of those sources is coming from a co-worker - Chris Woodruff is posting a series of podcasts from some of the attendees and speakers. So far, he's got three up and I've listened to them all - Sara Ford, Dustin Campbell, and Michael Rozlog. By the way, Sara Ford has been doing a "Did you know..." series on Visual Studio and is the program manager for CodePlex, where we're hosting the NuSoft Framework.

Frankly, I wish it would have worked out for me to go this year. There were a ton of great people there - Michael Eaton, Scott Hanselman, Keith Elder, Dustin Campbell, Jim Holmes and many, many others. I'm definitely going to be making it a priority to go next year.

UPDATE: Before posting, I saw that Chris has one up from Keith Elder that I haven't listened to yet, and has promised four more tomorrow.

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Categories: Development, Podcasting