Blogologist Changes His Mind About RSS

posted on 2005-03-29 at 23:55:39 by Joel Ross

Yesterday I posted about a blogging expert who said he doesn't see the point of RSS. Well, today he visited my site, and commented, saying I fell for his bait. He was looking for someone to "expose the truth." His comments were pretty nice, considering my post was ripping into his position.

I remembered where I found the original link. It was from the Hello World Blog. And Steven left a comment there too, but he wasn't as nice over there. He called them losers.

Then I went to visit his blog. He's changed his tune on syndication. He now offers a feed link on the site, which is good.

But he removed his post about RSS, and takes his "enemies" to task for disparaging him. He questions us - what stands have we taken that aren't "safe"? There's a difference though. We're not claiming to be blogging experts. He is. And he said he didn't see the point of RSS, and now he's removing posts. And he says it's a weakness that he's admitting he's wrong. It's not weak. It's actually a strength to be able to admit when you're wrong.

At least he changed his stance on syndication.

Categories: Blogging