A Blogologist Against RSS

posted on 2005-03-28 at 23:33:19 by Joel Ross

I forget where I saw this, but someone pointed out Steven Streight's blog, where he posts about why he doesn't like RSS. After reading the post, it's pretty obvious it's not that he doesn't like RSS. It's that he doesn't get RSS.

He says RSS pushses content at me. It doesn't though. I subscribe to a blog, and then I pull the content when I want it. He compares it to IM, which he doesn't use either. But you don't ask someone if they have something to say to you over IM. That's what RSS is. You ask the site if it's been updated, and if it has, it tells you. It's not unwanted. I hope he doesn't use email either. Now email is unwanted pushing of content on you!

He goes into a few more reasons he doesn't like RSS. The first one amazes me. He says he has so many bookmarks that he can't manage them. I can manage mine, but only because of RSS. I don't have to bookmark sites. I subscribe, and then I know when the site is updated. I don't have to visit the site. The site comes to me. His second reason is the same as his first - he has too many sites to visit each day. That's because it's slow to visit sites. RSS lets me grab the content automatically and read it when I'm ready. I wonder how many sites he monitors every day. 15? 20? 50? How about 500+? That's how many I monitor. But only because of RSS.

I think Scoble has commented on this same thing. I can't find a link right now, but usually about once a month or so, he says the same thing. And he monitors 1300 sites a day. Let's see someone do that in a browser!

The best part? He's in the process of selling a book called "Secrets of the Blogging Pros" which is a book about blogging's best practices.

Categories: Blogging