Enterprise Library Webcasts

posted on 2005-02-23 at 00:44:45 by Joel Ross

I haven't had a chance to dig into Enterprise Library yet, but Scott Densmore has a list of upcoming webcasts about them. These should give a pretty good overview of how to use the Library. Don't have time to watch them while you're online? You can use t… more »

Categories: Development


More Interviewing Questions

posted on 2005-02-23 at 00:18:34 by Joel Ross

Scott Hanselman has a great post about some more in-depth interview questions for .NET developers. These are much tougher than the ones I posted about earlier. If you can answer all of these questions correctly (and want to work in Michigan), I have a jo… more »

Categories: Development


IIS HTTP Compression

posted on 2005-02-16 at 02:07:46 by Joel Ross

Mark saved the day today. We were having some performance issues with a large number of users going over a limited pipe. He brought up http compression, and after implementing it, we saw the pipe utlization go from 95% to 50% (and users were more pr… more »

Categories: Development


VSS and Multiple Checkouts

posted on 2005-02-14 at 02:49:58 by Joel Ross

I knew you can enable multiple checkouts in Visual Sourcesafe, but I didn't know you could do it on a project by project basis. Well, you can. And the instructions are here. Hat tip goes to Steven Pack. more »

Categories: Development


Setting Up A .NET Development Tree

posted on 2005-02-14 at 01:20:44 by Joel Ross

Mike Roberts over at Thoughtworks is blogging about setting up a .NET Development Tree. So far, it's a seven part series. He covers a lot. He starts with choosing a source control server, and then moves to planning the directory structure. He gets to wh… more »

Categories: Development


Using and Data Access

posted on 2005-02-09 at 00:51:10 by Joel Ross

Jason Salas has a nice post about how you can use the "using" keyword in C# when doing data access, and ensure that your objects are cleaned up properly. The template for DALs in CodeSmith that we are using had this built right in. I had to do some resea… more »

Categories: C#


A Couple Of Older Articles

posted on 2005-02-06 at 23:43:20 by Joel Ross

Since I've been so busy lately, I now have about 40-50 items to catch up on. Here are a couple of them, both from Brad Wilson. The first is about Factories versus constructors. I agree with Brad - factories are better. Just Friday, I showed a team membe… more »

Categories: C#


Turning Off Autocomplete

posted on 2005-02-06 at 23:35:18 by Joel Ross

Scott Hanselman has a very nice tip about turning off Autocomplete for textboxes in IE and Firefox. I've been looking for this for a while now, and have been unable to find it. This will be useful. I'm working on a site that takes credit cards and s… more »

Categories: ASP.NET


MSDN Nuggets

posted on 2005-02-06 at 23:12:04 by Joel Ross

I don't have much time to spend watching technical videos online. I can listen to podcasts (I'm almost completely caught up!), but watching something means I can't program something else. But I can find 15 minutes here and there, which is why MSDN Nugget… more »

Categories: Development


Enterprise Library Release Date: January 28th

posted on 2005-01-20 at 21:59:57 by Joel Ross

According to Scott Densmore, Enterprise Library will be released on January 28th. He wants everyone to download it and give it a test drive. Then he asks us to join the workspace. I'm sure I will be trying it out. For those that don't know, Enterprise L… more »

Categories: ASP.NET


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