Sandcastle - NDoc's Replacement?

posted on 07/27/06 at 10:40:33 pm by Joel Ross

This week, the lead developer on a major open source project, NDoc, resigned. His reasons are valid, if not disappointing (not in him, in the community of NDoc users), but that's not the point. Coming on the heels of this announcement is the announcement about the pending availability of Sandcastle.

What's Sandcastle? Well, the preliminary announcement is a little light on details, but there's a few tidbits that give you a clue that it could be a replacement for the now defunct NDoc: Produces MSDN-like documentation, Build Assember includes syntax generation, and that it's used internally to generate .NET Framework documentation.

I'm interested - if for no other reason than it supports Generics! Anywya, a CTP should be released shortly.

UPDATE: The Sandcastle blog now has a power point revealing a little more information about the project. It definitely looks like an NDoc alternative.

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