RCW on Tailrank

posted on 01/26/06 at 09:38:07 pm by Joel Ross

This morning, I saw quite a few links coming through from Tailrank, so I figured I should check out why. To my surprise, there was RCW #34 right at the top!

RCW Featured On TailRank

I've talked about Tailrank in the past, and how I think it does a good job picking the top stories and top blogs. Now that I've been at the top of the page, I'm starting to wonder how good they can really be!

And to think, I was going to toss the show...

One note to anyone reading this from TailRank. So far, the link from TailRank to my site has been to three different places: A comparison I did between VMWare and Virtual PC, the home page, and most recently, RCW #018. Only one referrer actually to RCW #034. I'm not sure where you guys get the post link from, but it appears to be off - at least for my site!

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