Mark Cuban's New Betting Fund

posted on 2004-11-30 at 00:33:07 by Joel Ross

If you've never read Mark Cuban's blog, you should. Even if you don't like the NBA, you'll still get something out of it. He talks about business, the NBA (he recently got fined for something on his blog), HDTV, and even Donald Trump (who he doesn't seem to care for).

But the post that caught my attention was this one. He wants to start a new fund that's sole purpose is to place bets. That's pretty interesting. I wonder which will get a better return. To me, it seems much more volitile then the stock market, but I guess it depends on who he gets to do his betting.

Maybe he'd even consider me for the sports part! I was 10-6 this week. If you distribute the money evenly, that's a 25% return in just one week!

Categories: General