
posted on 2005-05-12 at 21:35:54 by Joel Ross

I've been on LinkedIn for a while now, and I just noticed I am connected to 210,000 people out of 2,500,000. I only have 19 connections of my own, but through those 19, I have access to 210,000. 

Only just recently did it occur to me to add other bloggers.

Don't ask me why, but it never really crossed my mind. It took Tim Haines posting about his LinkedIn experience for me to think about it. I sent him a request, and he accepted. Since then, I've also connected with Dave Burke, but like me, he hasn't "gotten it" yet. I haven't gotten it either - so far, it's a nice way to collect contacts, and if I ever have to look for a job sometime, that'll probably be the time it comes in handy, but I'm not looking to do that in the near future.

For now, I'll just build my network. Which brings up another question. What's the protocol for invites? If I read someone's blog, but they have no idea who I am, will it be odd that they get an invite from me? For example, Scoble's a member. I read his blog religiously. Should I send him an invite? What about someone I've just emailed a couple of times? Or should I wait until I've spent enough time on their site commenting that they know who I am?

Or maybe I'll just spam everyone I know! And, if you're reading this, and want to know what LinkedIn is all about, let me know! I'll get you in.

Categories: General