Is all content feed-able?

posted on 2004-10-22 at 21:12:13 by Joel Ross

I saw an interesting post on Raindrop about types of content that isn’t “feedable” – not that doesn’t offer syndication, but that the type of site doesn’t lend itself well to syndication.

But that wasn’t what caught my attention. Here’s the first few lines in the article.

Over lunch I thought I'd indulge in a little guilty pleasure and scan Rather than just going to the site, it seemed like the perfect time to try Rojo, so I clicked sports in the Rojo nav menu and lo and behold there was espn. Another click and I had the latest headlines. Perfect. 

So I thought, “What is Rojo?” and went to their site. It’s an invite only site, meaning my interest is even more piqued than it was before. A site that can syndicate any site? That sound’s interesting? Anyone else know anything about this, or how to get invited?

Categories: General