Heading To California

posted on 2005-02-10 at 23:34:28 by Joel Ross

Friday nights tend to be my big blogging night, but not this week. I will be flying to San Francisco when I would normally be blogging. Of course, I could blog from the plane (and post later). I guess we'll see.

I have a few podcasts lined up for the plane, but in an ironic twist of fate, I caught up on all of my podcasts on Wednesday. So far, not many have been coming through. I have Robert Scoble's keynote from the Blog Business Summit, Dave Winer's News-Record discussion, and the latest Daily Source Code - maybe I'll get one more tomorrow? That should get me through the couple of flights. And I'm bringing my FM transmitter, so I can listen to them on my hour and a half drive from San Fran. to Santa Rosa, where I'll be staying.

I'll be in Santa Rosa for a week - I come back next Thursday night on the red eye. If you're in the area, drop me a line. I'm going to be busy, but I have to eat, right?

Categories: Personal