500 Posts
posted on 2005-07-03 at 00:57:41 by Joel Ross
Back in October, I hit 100 posts on this blog. While on my way to 100 posts, I realized that the blogging I was doing wasn't worth it - I wasn't giving it my all, and because of that, I wasn't getting readers, and the few readers I had weren't getting the best they could have gotten from what I was doing.
Around the beginning of October, I made a commitment to myself to start posting more. I did. For three months, I averaged 2 posts per day. It took me 6 months to do the first 100 posts, and then a month to hit the next 100. Now, nine months after hitting 100 posts, I'm at 500. I never really thought I would keep it up that long - of course, the way I was going, it was going to take three years to hit 500 posts!
Anyway, I feel pretty good about how things are going, although if I could change one thing, it would be feedback. I want more feedback, but I'm not sure how to get it. Blogging is supposed to be about conversation, but whenever I ask for it, I don't typically get it.
One way I think I can get more feedback is to provide it on other sites. I don't do that enough, and part of that is because I read too many blogs. I may be cutting down my list in the near future so I can spend more time commenting elsewhere. Quality over quantity. I think commenting on other sites will encourage those bloggers that I want a conversation, and they'll be more likely to comment on my blog. I usually subscribe to any blog if the owner comments on my site.
Anyway, I hit 500 posts, and I finally feel I'm back in the swing of things after having a child. April (when Allie was born) and May were down months, but now that she's sleeping through the night (thank God), I get my nights back! And that means I'll start blogging on a more regular basis again!
I'll hit 1,000 posts in no time!
Categories: Blogging