4Guys Oddity

posted on 2005-06-23 at 00:39:34 by Joel Ross

In case you didn't notice, I follow the new articles on 4GuysFromRolla, and I have for a while now - I found it through a co-worker in '99, back when I was doing ASP work! Anyway, recently, I've been linking to quite a few of the articles there written by Scott Mitchell (who runs the site), as I think he puts out the best articles there.

But one thing has always struck me as odd. I'm currently signed up for their email list, and have been for a while. When I started using an aggregator, I subscribed to the feed. The email has the full text of the article, but the feed only has an intro to the article. I wonder why. Also, I don't even see a way to sign up for the newsletter anymore.

Categories: General