posted on 2004-12-08 at 00:45:18 by Joel Ross

My wife and I started watching season three of 24 tonight. We got through four episodes (from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM). Coincidentally, the DVDs were released today. But we're not watching DVDs. We're watching VHS cassettes that we recorded last season. So far, so good. They are spread out over six tapes, and Tina's confident that she knows where they all are. We just didn't have the time to watch it last year, so we started recording until we got time. By episode 12, we just decided to watch them over the summer. That didn't happen until tonight. This is the reason we ended up with TiVo!

If you've never seen 24, you should watch it. The whole season consists of one 24 hour period, and the show is done in real time. It's action packed, and has multiple story lines going on at the same time, so it keeps your interest. To be honest, it's one of the only shows on TV that will get me to put down my laptop during it!

Anyway, knowing us, we'll probably finish season three this weekend. I say this because of how we watched season one. We didn't watch it while it was on. I was travelling to Ann Arbor, and Tina was pregnant and sleeping by 9. But we both started watching season two. Eventually, we wanted to know the background of what was going on. So we rented the season one DVDs, and watched them over the course of a weekend.

Plus, we have to have season three done before season four starts in January.

Categories: Personal